Three stories in one book! How great is that! STOWAWAYS are not welcome
on narrowboats. Four-legged ones are often thrown into the water. But
what happens when Bert discovers a two legged one? PA'S GOOD NAME is at
risk when part of a costly cargo goes missing, . Pa has been tricked and
knows the culprit, someone so sly that the police have trouble arresting
him. Can Pa and Bert track down the thief and prove Pa's innocence? MA
GETS HER WAY despite Pa saying "no" when Ma hankers after a little
house. A visit to a fair and Pa changes his mind. Without Ma, work is
doubled for Pa and Bert. They hire a youngster who is useless and causes
trouble. When he takes a switch to Nellie, the horse, Pa threatens him
and the boy runs away. Have they a solution to their problems?