In the past decades, the main stream of microelectronics progress has
been mainly powered by Moore's law which focuses on IC miniaturization
down to nanoscale. While the microelectronics community around the world
continues to invent new solutions to keep Moore's law alive, there is a
fast increasing need for non-digital and mixed-signal "More than Moore"
(MtM) type technologies that are still based upon or derived from
silicon technologies, but do not simply scale with Moore's law. Typical
examples are devices incorporating RF, power/high voltage, passive
components, sensors and actuators, MEMS, Bio-chip/bio-systems,
microfluidics, solid-state lighting, etc.. The increasing momentum of
MtM is triggered by the increasing needs for high level heterogeneous
system integration including non-digital functions, the necessity to
speed up innovative product creation and to broaden the product
portfolio of IC fabs, and the limiting cost and time factors of advanced
system-on-chip (SoC) development. It is believed that MtM will add value
to society on top of and beyond advanced semiconductors technologies,
with fast increasing marketing potentials, and that it will drive
paradigm shift for technologies, applications and business models.