The era of molecular pathology has arrived. From its promising beg-
nings in research laboratories, the field has grown, and continues to
grow, to become a vital part of the care of an ever-increasing number of
patients. Because of its recent emergence from the research taboratory,
many molecuIar pathology protocols we still to be found in the primary
litcramre, and have not appeared in a text. MO PCU Q Padhoiogy Protocob
contains la- ratory protocoIs that have been developed by many of the
authors for use in clinical molecular pathology laboratories and
describe in detail Row to perform these assays. This book is therefore
intended for clinical laboratory use by medical technologists and
pathologists. It will dso be of interest to research workers who are
performing these assays. In its broadest meaning, pathology is the study
of disease, and therefore it follows that any disease for which the
molecular basis is understood would be suitable as a topic for inclusion
in this work. When seiecting protocols, it was necessary to place limits
on the number of chapters that could be feasibly presented in a single
work. Those protoculs that were selected are performed more frequently,
or have achieved recognition as having important diagnostic utility in
contemporary practice. A decision was made to exclude inherited genetic
diseases with certain exceptions, such as those diseases that are
associated with thrombotic states and are part of the traditional dumain
of pathology.