Remarkable developments and scope of MolecularBiology and Biotechnology
for human welfare haveattracted huge number of talents to pursue
theircareer in this field. Banasthali University, Rajasthan, India as
part of its Jubilee Celebrationscommemorating 25 years of its
establishment as a university, organized an International Conference on
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (ICMBB-2008) during October
19-21,2008. The conference received overwhelming response and was
attended by more than 500 participants globally including delegates not
only from India but also from USA, Japan, Australia, Austria, Belgium,
Canada, Nigeria etc. Total 18 technical sessions, including two poster
sessions were organized. These sessions included 14 keynote lectures,
about 50 oral presentations and over 100 posters. Based on quality and
interest of audience few full length papers/articles were invited from
established and also from budding scientists to compile the present
proceedings. We have tried to cover various aspects of biotechnology
undertaken during the conference to make the proceedings attractive and
interesting for wider groups of Biologists