123 phase and hence have no direct bearing on the retention time of
solutes. However in gas-solid chromatography, a considerable quantity of
the mobile phase may be adsorbed on the surface of the stationary
adsorbent which diminishes the column's effective length and ability to
retain solutes. In this respect helium has been found to be preferable
to most other gases (GREENE and Roy, 1957) because it is adsorbed to the
least extent. 3. Packed columns offer a considerable resistance to flow,
which may create a pressure differential between inlet and outlet of
sufficient magnitude to cause an unfavorable flow rate through a
significant length of the column. A reduced inlet/outlet pressure ratio
can be obtained by using light molecular weight gases toward which the
column packing shows the greatest permeability. The flow rate of the
mobile phase is normally adjusted by altering the column inlet pressure,
for which purpose commercial pressure regulators of sufficient accuracy
are available. Quantitative measurements of the flow rate can be made by
a number of methods, including rotameters, orifice meters, soapfilm flow
meters and displacement of water. The former two methods are the most
con- venient but the least accurate; moreover they create a back
pressure and are temperature dependent whereas although the moving soap
bubble is cumbersome to employ and unusable for continuous readings, it
is preferred when the highest accuracy is required.