This text contains a compendium of farm science and practice on field,
garden, fruit and orchard crops, as well as information on the care,
feeding, and diseases of farm animals. It is based on agricultural
research and farm practice. Complete with a wealth of fascinating
information, helpful tips, detailed illustrations and photographs, this
timeless text will greatly appeal to the modern farmer, and makes for a
worthy addition to collections of antique literature of this ilk. The
chapters of this book include: Agriculture, Alfalfa, Barley, Beans,
Broom Corn, Buckwheat, Canaigre, Cassava, Castor Bean, Chufa, Clover,
Corn, Cowpeas, Flax, Grasses, Hemp, Hop, Jerusalem Artichoke, Oats,
etcetera. We are proudly republishing this antique volume complete with
a new introduction on farming.