The necessity for a reprint of the previous edition of this Manual has
afforded an opportunity of bringing the information in certain parts of
the book up to date, by the addition of a new Chapter 13 which deals
with the more important developments that have occurred in the interim.
This method has been adopted in order to simplify and to expedite the
preparation of the present edition. As with the other Manuals of the
Series, the elementary method of treatment of the subject has been
retained, but where considered necessary some theoretical aspects are
discussed. The previous edition has been checked and where desirable
certain minor altera- tions and improvements have been made in order to
clarify the text. There have been several important developments in
electrical components and wiring methods since the last edition, the
more interesting of which have included the wider use of electronics in
the design and construction of certain automobile parts. Examples of
these are the use of transistors, diodes and printed circuits on flat
and flexible bases, notably for instrument panels, while minia- turized
versions of printed circuits are finding wider applications in
automobile components, e.g. for alternator voltage control units. In
order to assist the non-technical reader, for whom these Manuals were
originally intended, a brief outline of the theory and applications of
diodes and transistors has been included to help him to understand the
circuits using these modern components.