This book studies language behaviour in the larger context of modelling
or- ganismic behaviour more generally. It starts out from the basic
premise that what is characteristic of organismic behaviour is that an
organism uses its behavioural acts to accomplish something in its
interactions with the world in which it finds itself. These two
features, that an organism has a behav- ioural repertoire and that it
deploys specific behavioural acts from its repertoire in an intentional
way, define the agentive nature of an organism. The study of organismic
behaviour, then, must primarily concern itself with this agentive aspect
of an organism and determine what structures and proces- ses underlie
these intentional organismic acts. We should be able to say what
primitive structures and what primitive processes put together in what
ways can give rise to the kinds of behavioural acts an organism engages
in. Any explanation of behaviour that we formulate in terms of
underlying structures and processes must be testable and must be
consonant with the observed pheno- menological aspects of such