This book investigates the latest modeling and control technologies in
the context of air-conditioning systems. Firstly, it introduces the
state-space method for developing dynamic models of all components in a
central air-conditioning system. The models are primarily nonlinear and
based on the fundamental principle of energy and mass conservation, and
are transformed into state-space form through linearization. The book
goes on to describe and discuss the state-space models with the help of
graph theory and the structure-matrix theory.
Subsequently, virtual sensor calibration and virtual sensing methods
(which are very useful for real system control) are illustrated together
with a case study. Model-based predictive control and state-space
feedback control are applied to air-conditioning systems to yield better
local control, while the air-side synergic control scheme and a global
optimization strategy based on the decomposition-coordination method are
developed so as to achieve energy conservation in the central
air-conditioning system. Lastly, control strategies for VAV systems
including total air volume control and trim & response static pressure
control are investigated in practice.