Awareness of mobile apps and other wired and wireless devices are
leading to more and more bandwidth hungry applications with an
increasing demand for broadband services which are putting pressure on
communication systems to increase their capacity. To attain such systems
one must have increased feeder network capacity which can operate at
higher carrier frequencies and make a benchmark with increased user
population densities. Hence, optical communication system for long-haul
channel transmission has become an integral part of today's society.
Meanwhile, raising the carrier frequency and thus reducing the radio
cell size leads to costly radio system while the installation and
maintenance costs related to higher bandwidth silica fiber render its
effect and hence making it impractical for in-home and office
environment. OFDM is a challenging term to all constraints in optical
system which has been proven as an outstanding and promising technique
both for short distance as well as long-haul transmission at very high
data rate.