Organizations are systems that can be compared by analogy with an
airplane, in which flight scheme is the strategic planning of the
organization, the destination is the vision statement and the mission
statement is the flight plan. To get to the destination in a safe and
efficient way, on the flight plan certain variables must be determined.
Type of the plane, range, altitude, course, fuel consumption, cruise
speed, wind direction, airplanes in the area, total weight and total
amount of passenger are just a couple of them and instruments must be on
place to measure and control these variables and make the adjustments
when necessary to correct small flaws. Back to our analogy, the
organization have variables that must be clearly remarked on the mission
statement, how the monitoring of the competition (airplanes in the
area), and the economic policies (wind direction), clients and markets
(number of passengers), principal service or product (course),
geographic region served (range), technological core (type of the
plane), key concepts on their own philosophy (cruise speed, total weight
and total amount of passenger), and their commitment with profitability