This volume discusses the mineral resources upon which modern civiliza-
tion is built. Take away these minerals and humanity will rapidly return
to the stone age, with its greatest concern the depletion of flint (also
a mineral). It would, of course, result in about a 99% reduction in
population. In other words, approximately 99% of the worlds' population
is dependent on minerals for its existence. That is a pretty strong
statement, but how many have even seen a travois? Without minerals, pack
animals, rafts, rowboats, sail boats, sledges, and the backs of man
would be the only forms of transport. Sufficient food could not be
transported, nor could it be grown on our tired soils without tractors
and fertilizer. Even in the more fertile tropics where nearly half of
the population is now suffering from malnutrition, crops are dependent
on "miracle" grains that require mechanization and mineral fertilizers.
Modern buildings cannot operate without electricity and, without mineral
fuels, few people in the northern latitudes would survive the first