The results of the many years of excavations on the Aegina-Kolonna,
which have revealed the significance of this area for the entire Aegean
region during the Middle Bronze Age, was the occasion for an
international workshop to be convened entitled "Middle Helladic Pottery
and Synchronisms". Since the pioneering work of Carl W. Blegen, Alan J.
B. Wace and others, a general consensus has developed concerning the
Middle Helladic ceramic sequencing and its sub-phases. It is
nevertheless still difficult to link the individual stylistic
development phases from the different parts of the Greek mainland, as
well as to determine their relationship to regions further away, as for
example the Aegean Islands. This problematic was decisive for inviting a
group of scholars doing research on Middle Helladic ceramics and other
related ceramics found in stratified contexts to discuss related topics.
These topics include: Aegean ceramic of the Middle Helladic; Middle
Helladic ceramics from other Aegean regions; the transition from Early
Helladic to Middle Helladic; The transition from Middle Helladic to Late
Helladic; Origin, first appearance and distribution of specific ceramic
groups; Uses of different terminology for similar or identical
characteristics; The synchronisation between the mainland, the Cyclades
and Crete.