A satirical cocktail book featuring seventy-seven cocktail recipes
accompanied by arcane trivia on Mennonite history, faith, and cultural
At last, you think, a book of cocktails that pairs punny drinks with
Mennonite history! Yes, cocktail enthusiast and author of the popular
Drunken Mennonite blog Sherri Klassen is here to bring some Low German
love to your bar cart. Drinks like Brandy Anabaptist, Migratarita,
Thrift Store Sour, and Pimm's Cape Dress are served up with arcane
trivia on Mennonite history, faith, and cultural practices.
Arranged by theme, the book opens with drinks inspired by the
Anabaptists of sixteenth-century Europe (Bloody Martyr, anyone?), before
moving on to religious beliefs and practices (a little like going to a
bar after class in Seminary, but without actually going to class). The
third chapter toasts the Mennonite history of migration (Old Piña
Colony), and the fourth is all about the trappings of Mennonite cultural
identity (Singalong Sling).
With seventy-seven recipes, ripping satire, comical illustrations, a
cocktails-to-mocktails chapter for the teetotallers, and instructions on
scaling up for barn-raisings and funerals, it's just the thing for the
Mennonite, Menno-adjacent, or merely Menno-curious home mixologist.