Extensive basic research and clinical trials have in some aspect of
reproductive physiology, gyne- been conducted on inert and medicated
intrauterine cology, or family planning. There is in this volume
devices. In the last decade, substantial progress has an attempt to
provide a total coverage of current been made in understanding the modes
of action progress in medicated intrauterine devices. The and the
physiological mechanisms of IUDs - pro- volume is intended for a broad
readership, includ- gress resulting from modern techniques and in- ing
physicians, medical workers, medical personnel, strumentation in
microanatomy, immunology, pa- and administrators in family planning. It
is hoped thology, endocrinology, biochemistry and biophy- that this
volume will serve as a stimulus to basic sics. Such studies, however,
are scattered in such a scientists and clinicians concerned with
intrauterine wide spectrum of journals that the clinician and devices to
intensify their research toward better family planner can hardly keep up
to date with the contraceptive techniques. advances. An attempt is made
in this volume to coordinate physiological and clinical parameters.
Little is September 1980 known about the possible role of diet, diseases
and environmental factors. E. S. E.