The idea for publishing these books on the mechanism of action and on
the biosynthesis of antibiotics was born of frustration in our attempts
to keep abreast of the literature. Gone were the years when we were able
to keep a biblio- graphy on antibiotics and feel confident that we could
find everything that was being published on this subject. These fields
of investigation were moving for- ward so rapidly and were encompassing
so wide a range of specialized areas in microbiology and chemistry that
it was almost impossible to keep abreast of developments. In our naivete
and enthusiasm, however, we were unaware that we were toying with an
idea that might enmesh us, that we were creating an entity with a life
of its own, that we were letting loose a Golom who instead of being our
servant would be our master. That we set up ideals for these books is
obvious; they would be current guides to developments and information in
the areas of mechanism of action and bio- synthesis of antibiotics. For
almost every subject, we wished to enlist the aid of an investigator who
himself had played a part in determining the nature of the phenomena
that were being discussed. One concept for the books was that they
include only antibiotics for which a definitive, well-documented
mechanism of action or biosynthetic pathway was known.