Modeling and Applied Mathematics Modeling the behavior of real physical
systems by suitable evolution equa- tions is a relevant, maybe the
fundamental, aspect of the interactions be- tween mathematics and
applied sciences. Modeling is, however, only the first step toward the
mathematical description and simulation of systems belonging to real
world. Indeed, once the evolution equation is proposed, one has to deal
with mathematical problems and develop suitable simula- tions to provide
the description of the real system according to the model. Within this
framework, one has an evolution equation and the re- lated mathematical
problems obtained by adding all necessary conditions for their solution.
Then, a qualitative analysis should be developed: this means proof of
existence of solutions and analysis of their qualitative be- havior.
Asymptotic analysis may include a detailed description of stability
properties. Quantitative analysis, based upon the application ofsuitable
methods and algorithms for the solution of problems, ends up with the
simulation that is the representation of the dependent variable versus
the independent one. The information obtained by the model has to be
compared with those deriving from the experimental observation of the
real system. This comparison may finally lead to the validation of the
model followed by its application and, maybe, further generalization.