In 1999 Rochester, a mysterious spate of arsons threatens a hilarious
and heart-breaking friendship based on a language of inside jokes in
one of the most inventive novels published this year (The Los Angeles
Rochester, New York, 1999: An arsonist is loose on the streets of a city
in decline. Gone are the days of Rioting in the Vomit Cruiser, searching
for a possible Tokyo Rocking Horse. In this hilarious, wildly original
debut novel, Nathan Gray and best friend Necro live by the code of Joke
Royalty, a system of in-jokes known only to a select few. But as the
reality of full-time employment, possible spouses, and Neo-Nazis
encroaches, their friendship unravels, threatening their dreams of
becoming Kodak Park Winjas.
Among the gravest Hellstacheries: Necro's strangely vicious drawings and
his sudden interest in a group of weapons enthusiasts who may or may not
be responsible for the fires erupting through downtown. With no Holy
Grail Points left to his name, Nate ventures into Rochester's strangest
corners to find out if his best friend is a domestic terrorist Pinning
Bow Ties on the Dead or simply Maverick Jetpantsing on with his
life--perhaps even beyond The City of Quality.
Bill Peters belongs in the ranks of serious literary artists.--The
New York Times Book Review, Editor's Choice