ThisvolumecontainstheproceedingsofMPC2002, thesixthinternationalc-
aims to promote the development of mathematical principles and
techniques that are demonstrably useful and usable in the process of
constructing c- puter programs (whether implemented in hardware or
software). The focus is ontechniquesthatcombineprecisionwith
conciseness, enablingprogramsto be constructed by formal calculation.
Within this theme, the scope of the series is verydiverse, including
programmingmethodology, programspeci?cationand transformation,
programming paradigms, programming calculi, and progr- ming language
semantics. The quality of the papers submitted to the conference was in
general very high, and the number of submissions was comparable to that
for the previous conference.Eachpaperwasrefereedbyatleastfour,
andoftenmore, committee members.
Inadditiontothe11papersselectedforpresentationbytheprogramcomm- tee,
this volume contains three invited talks: Implementing Algebraic Dynamic
Programming in the Functional and the Imperative Programming Paradigm by
Robert Giegerich (Technical University of Bielefeld, Germany), and
abstracts of Some Results in Dynamic Model Theory by Dexter Kozen
(Cornell Univ- sity, USA)and Mathematics in Computer Science Curricula
byJeannetteWing (Carnegie Mellon University, USA). The conference took
place in Dagstuhl, Germany. The previous ?ve conf- ences wereheld in
1989in Twente, The Netherlands, in 1992in Oxford, United Kingdom,
in1995inKlosterIrsee, Germany, in1998inMarstrandnearGot ] eborg in
Sweden, and in 2000 in Ponte de Lima, Portugal. The proceedings of these
conferenceswerepublishedasLNCS375,669,947,1422, and1837, respectively.
Three international events were co-located with the conference: the IFIP
WG2.1 working conference on Generic Programming, the third workshop on
Constructive Methods for Parallel Programming, and the workshop on Types
in Programming. We thank the organizers of these events for their
interest in sharing the atmosphere of the conference.