Beginning his work on the monograph to be published in English, this
author tried to present more or less general notions of the
possibilities of mathematics in the new and rapidly developing science
of infectious immunology, describing the processes of an organism's
defence against antigen invasions. The results presented in this
monograph are based on the construc- tion and application of closed
models of immune response to infections which makes it possible to
approach problems of optimizing the treat- ment of chronic and
hypertoxic forms of diseases. The author, being a mathematician, had
creative long-Iasting con- tacts with immunologists, geneticist,
biologists, and clinicians. As far back as 1976 it resulted in the
organization of a special seminar in the Computing Center of Siberian
Branch of the USSR Academy of Sci- ences on mathematical models in
immunology. The seminar attracted the attention of a wide circle of
leading specialists in various fields of science. All these made it
possible to approach, from a more or less united stand point, the
construction of models of immune response, the mathematical description
of the models, and interpretation of results.