During the investigation of large systems described by evolution
equations, we encounter many problems. Of special interest is the
problem of "high dimensionality" or, more precisely, the problem of the
complexity of the phase space. The notion of the "comple- xity of the.
phase space" includes not only the high dimensionality of, say, a system
of linear equations which appear in the mathematical model of the system
(in the case when the phase space of the model is finite but very
large), as this is usually understood, but also the structure of the
phase space itself, which can be a finite, countable, continual, or, in
general, arbitrary set equipped with the structure of a measurable
space. Certainly, 6 6 this does not mean that, for example, the space (R
6, ( ), where 6 is a a-algebra of Borel sets in R 6, considered as a
phase space of, say, a six-dimensional Wiener process (see Gikhman and
Skorokhod [1]), has a "complex structure". But this will be true if
the 6 same space (R 6, ( ) is regarded as a phase space of an evolution
system describing, for example, the motion of a particle with small mass
in a viscous liquid (see Chandrasek- har [1]).