This monograph is devoted to quantum statistical mechanics. It can be
regarded as a continuation of the book "Mathematical Foundations of
Classical Statistical Mechanics. Continuous Systems" (Gordon & Breach
SP, 1989) written together with my colleagues V. I. Gerasimenko and P.
V. Malyshev. Taken together, these books give a complete pre- sentation
of the statistical mechanics of continuous systems, both quantum and
classical, from the common point of view. Both books have similar
contents. They deal with the investigation of states of in- finite
systems, which are described by infinite sequences of statistical
operators (reduced density matrices) or Green's functions in the quantum
case and by infinite sequences of distribution functions in the
classical case. The equations of state and their solutions are the main
object of investigation in these books. For infinite systems, the
solutions of the equations of state are constructed by using the
thermodynamic limit procedure, accord- ing to which we first find a
solution for a system of finitely many particles and then let the number
of particles and the volume of a region tend to infinity keeping the
density of particles constant. However, the style of presentation in
these books is quite different.