The creation of miniature intaglios - or incised carvings - which could
be impressed on clay or wax was one of the earliest crafts of
civilisation. To this the Greeks added relief cameos, while comparable
skills were lavished on the decoration of metal finger rings. These
artefacts record subjects of significance for their period and place but
are also the direct expression of an artist's skills and imagination.
Engraved gems were collected first by the ancient Romans and then
throughout the Renaissance were a source for knowledge of `classical'
subjects and styles, when they were copied - from Michelangelo to
Rubens - by the foremost artists of the day. The gemstones explored here
are from a distinguished collection made in the earlier twentieth
century by a notable connoisseur of ancient art. Many originate from
named older European collections and were previously unknown to scholars
and collectors. The authors have sought to offer a balanced selection of
earlier eastern and Greek stones, alongside others from the
neo-classical era. The book offers a survey of the finest products of
the gems craft over millennia.