This book presents the creative, arts-based and educative thinking
resulting from a "21 day autoethnography challenge" set of self-guided
prompts arising from the large-scale collaborative, creative, and global
project to explore Massive and Microscopic Sensemaking during COVId-19
Times. It employs a guiding methodological framework of critical
autoethnography, narrating the macro and micro experiences of COVID-19
from a first-person, and critically, culturally-informed perspective.
The book features chapters creatively responding to the 21-day pandemic
experiment through digital autoethnographic artworks, writings, and
collaborations. It allowed authors to build embodied sensibilities,
practice autoethnographic forms of writing and making, and transform
personal experiences through the COVID-19 moment into critical
understanding of scale, sense-making, and the relationality of humans,
nonhumans, and the planet.