This book is the outcome of the work of contributors who participated in
the wo- shop "Mapping Different Geographies (MDG)" in February 2010,
held in Puchberg am Schneeberg, Austria. This meeting brought together
cartographers, artists and geoscientists who research and practice in
applications that focus on enhancing o- to-one communication or develop
and evaluate methodologies that provide inno- tive methods for sharing
information. The main intention of the workshop was to investigate how
'different' geographies are being mapped and the possibilities for
developing new theories and techniques for information design and
transfer based on place or location. So as to communicate these concepts
it was important to appreciate the many contrasting meanings of
'mapping' that were held by workshop participants. Also, the many (and
varied) viewpoints of what different geographies are, were ela- rated
upon and discussed. Therefore, as the focus on space and time was
embedded within everyone's felds of investigation, this was addressed
during the workshop. This resulted in very engaging discourse, which, in
some cases, exposed the restrictions that certain approaches need to
consider. For participants, this proved to be most useful, as this
allowed them to appreciate the limits and restrictions of their own
approach to understanding and representing different geographies. As
well, the workshop also was most helpful as a vehicle for demonstrating
the common ground of interest held by the very diverse areas of
endeavour that the workshop participants work within.