Teachers and governments all agree that if you wish to raise educational
standards then it's imperative to improve school attendance, and yet an
average of around ten per cent of secondary pupils are missing school on
a daily basis. Despite governments around the globe trying to address
this situation, any improvements have been negligible and improvements
in school attendance have been stubbornly hard to achieve.
As an internationally recognised expert on this topic, Professor Ken
Reid offers workable, practical solutions to help schools improve
attendance and to reduce non-attendance and truancy at government level,
school and local authority level, individual pupil level and at the
family level. Underpinned by the very latest research, but expanded upon
with an accessible, practitioner focus, the issues covered by this
topical text include:
- The causes of non-attendance and truancy
- Successful interventions and the evidence from research
- Reflections on the attempts to find national solutions
- Implementing home-school solutions
- An agenda for the future
Supporting throughout with case-studies and workable solutions to the
most demanding of situations, this book will be essential reading for
head teachers, deputy head teachers, teachers and any educational
professional eager to raise standards for all.