Projects are becoming more complex and traditional project management is
proving inadequate. The key papers in this volume, which takes a look at
a variety of new approaches, have been written by 13 leading figures and
are discussed by 54 invited academics, consultants, contractors and
clients from 15 countries.
The papers cover modelling techniques (extensions to PERT methods, risk
analysis, and system dynamics), particular domains (new technology,
software development and infrastructure projects, specifically human
factors), corporate structures (from both Western and Eastern European
perspectives), management techniques (Western and Eastern), and the
management of portfolios of projects.
The book adopts a wide view, rather than advocating one technique: the
mix of authors provides a rich, heterogeneous perspective. Mathematical
modelling is balanced with human management, and over-complex of
simplistic techniques are avoided. Readers are assumed already to have a
sound knowledge of project management.