This book has been written for the general health care professional,
from every medical and paramedical specialization. Because pain is the
most common factor driving patients to seek professional advice, it is
likely that every physician, psychologist, and therapist has been
clinically exposed to the difficulty and the frequent frustration of
dealing with people in pain. All of them may find in this book some
explanations for their puzzles and some updated information, which
usually are published in specialized journals not ordinarily read by the
general practitioner. Actually the book has been addressed to
professionals at two different levels of general practice. At one level
is the busy practitioner who treats most patients with' 'acute" pain,
and who may use this information in daily practice to prevent the onset
of chronic pain; a common effort from all professionals currently is
needed to curb the "epidemic" of chronic pain in the United States. At
another level the book has been addressed to the practitioner who may
have a more intense desire to become involved in the actual management
of chronic pain patients.