Analog circuit design has grown in importance because so many circuits
cannot be realized with digital techniques. Examples are receiver
front-ends, particle detector circuits, etc. Actually, all circuits
which require high precision, high speed and low power consumption need
analog solutions. High precision also needs low noise. Much has been
written already on low noise design and optimization for low noise. Very
little is available however if the source is not resistive but
capacitive or inductive as is the case with antennas or semiconductor
detectors. This book provides design techniques for these types of
optimization. This book is thus intended firstly for engineers on senior
or graduate level who have already designed their first operational
amplifiers and want to go further. It is especially for engineers who do
not want just a circuit but the best circuit. Design techniques are
given that lead to the best performance within a certain technology.
Moreover, this is done for all important technologies such as bipolar,
CMOS and BiCMOS. Secondly, this book is intended for engineers who want
to understand what they are doing. The design techniques are intended to
provide insight. In this way, the design techniques can easily be
extended to other circuits as well. Also, the design techniques form a
first step towards design automation. Thirdly, this book is intended for
analog design engineers who want to become familiar with both bipolar
and CMOS technologies and who want to learn more about which transistor
to choose in BiCMOS.