Now you see them, now you don't! By showing the same creatures in two
different settings, this book brings out the detective in young readers.
They can investigate the role of protective coloration-- nature's own
camouflage--for katydids, crickets, bumblebees, beavers, spiders, and
spotted green frogs. The vivid examples encourage children to closely
examine the characteristics of hidden creatures that may be looking back
at them, whether from the pages of this book or in their own backyards.
Looking for Animals is part of the I Wonder Why book series, written
to ignite the curiosity of children in grades K-3 while encouraging them
to become avid readers. These books explore the marvels of animals,
plants, and other phenomena related to biology. Included in each volume
is a Parent/Teacher Handbook with coordinating activities. The I Wonder
Why series is written by an award-winning science educator and published
by NSTA Kids, a division of NSTA Press.