Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing, Compact Edition
and Standalone Access Card, Writer -- 12 month Access, 6/e is founded
on the principles of writing about literature. First, students learn how
to engage deeply and critically with a broad selection of stories,
poems, and plays. Second, the writing process is carefully and
thoroughly integrated into the presentation of all literary genres,
elements, and major writers throughout the entire text. Complete
coverage of writing about each literary element, "casebooks" that allow
for deeper exploration of important writers in each genre, and a total
of 53 exemplary student essays and paragraphs with accompanying
commentary ensure that students gain a thorough comprehension of the
conventions, strategies, and organizational patterns to allow them to
think critically about literature and to produce thoughtful and
compelling essays, paragraphs, documented research papers, and
examination responses.
0134595882 / 9780134595887 Literature: An Introduction to Reading and
Writing, Compact Edition; Pearson Writer -- Standalone Access Card,
Writer -- 12 Month Access, 6/e
Package consists of:
0134172191 / 9780134172194 Pearson Writer -- Standalone Access Card,
Writer -- 12 Month Access, 1/e
032194478X / 9780321944788 Literature: An Introduction to Reading and
Writing, Compact Edition, 6/e