Now a days people are interested to consume meat of good quality and
higher shelf life. So study was premeditated to evaluate the lipid
stability and antioxidative potential of leg and breast microsomal
fraction of broiler meat fed on alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and
alpha-tocopherol acetate (Vit.E). Broilers were fed on feed supplemented
with Vit.E (200 mg/kg of feed) for first three weeks of growth and
during last three weeks broilers were fed on feed supplemented with ALA
( 25, 75, 150 mg/ kg of feed) and constant level of Vit.E (200 mg/kg of
feed). The body weight of the carcass was measured after the three weeks
of growth until six weeks. TBARS (Thiobarbituric acid reactive oxygen
species) were calculated. Quantification of α- lipoic acid and α-
tocopherol was also done