The road to success is very seldomly a straight line! It takes
balance, the discipline to put the right things in front, and a serious
effort to surround yourself with the right people. Beyond that, it's a
roll of the universal dice - but it's also your best shot at achieving
your dreams!
Experiencing deep and diverse livelihoods in high science, business and
government offers no small assortment of important life lessons. If you
internalize even a few of these lessons, there is the possibility,
however miniscule or far-fetched it may seem, that you just might change
the world.
In his latest publication, Life the Universe and Curing Everything,
internationally renowned stem-cell expert Dr. Hans Keirstead explores
the major life lessons and leadership practices that breed vision, and
make the most successful entrepreneurs, scientists and CEOs.
Keep reading to:
Whether you're heading a team of scientists, entrepreneurs or C-suite
executives, it all comes down to balance!
Conquer your mind, tap into your people and leverage the system to
your advantage! Get your copy of Life the Universe and Curing Everything