Are you lacking in motivation? Do you struggle to avoid negative
influences? If either of these are true then this book is for you.
Ioanna's journey wasn't easy. She faced many difficult decisions and
spiralled into negative emotions until she had the strength and courage
to fight back. Let Ioanna take you on a journey through some of the
toughest times in her life and share how she came out stronger for it.
Her path was never easy but she found ways to battle the demons in her
head as well as the demons in her life. Whether it's weight loss,
smoking or motivation in general, Ioana has hundreds of helpful tips to
get you on track. Not only will you resonate with her plight, but you
can use it to change your own life for the better. We are certain that
when you finish this book you will have a new lease on life and be
prepared to take on any problem that blocks your path. Choose happiness,
put yourself first and make the choice to live a life that makes you