1. An Overview of Deformation Theory of Complex Manifolds.- 2. Lie
Algebras.- 3. Functors of Artin Rings.- 4. Infinitesimal Deformations of
Complex Manifolds and Vector Bundles.- 5. Differential Graded Lie
Algebras.- 6. Maurer-Cartan Equation and Deligne Groupoids.- 7.
Totalization and Descent of Deligne Groupoids.- 8. Deformations of
Complex Manifolds and Holomorphic Maps.- 9. Poisson, Gerstenhaber and
Batalin-Vilkovisky Algebras.- 10. L1-algebras.- 11. Coalgebras and
Coderivations.- 12. L1-morphisms.- 13. Formal Kuranishi Families and
Period Maps.- References.