The international Vienna workshops on "LH III C Chronology and
Synchronism" aim at clarifying the chronological stages of the Late
Helladic III C period of the 12th and 11th centuries B.C., the period
after the fall of the Mycenaean palaces and their advanced civilisation.
Since LH III C was an illiterate culture, it is only possible to define
its successive periods, i.e. their historical sequence, by means of the
stylistic stages in the development of its pottery. The second workshop
of the series, "LH III C Chronology and Synchronisms II: LH III C
Middle" held in 2004, focussed on the middle phase(s) of LH III C,
during which Mycenaean Greece reached a final stage of cultural and
economic achievements. At this workshop, leading ceramics specialists
and excavators attempted to define the stages of LH III C pottery
development in various regions of Mycenaean Greece and to incorporate
them into an overall chronological system. In addition to the lectures,
the conference volume also contains a discussion of general issues and
theoretical questions.