Discover the history of USA's first suburb and how the American Dream
of owning a home became a real possibility for many.
When developer Abraham Levitt and his two sons conceived the idea for
Levittown in 1946, they were probably unaware of the future impact of
their radical concept - to build cellarless, affordable tract housing on
Long Island farmland. Levittown
became the prototype suburban community that has
been mirrored in towns throughout America and around the world. This
delightful photographic history chronicles the growth and development of
Levittown as returning World War II GIs flocked to it in droves,
attracted by the promise of the American Dream of becoming homeowners.
Despite criticism of its stunning conformity, Levittown and its
residents thrived as they raised families, started businesses, and
created a close-knit community that exists to this day. This enchanting
collection of photographs reveals the joys and struggles of Levittown's
founders and residents as they carved their niche in American history.