Feeding your baby is a big part of the first year. It can be an exciting
and enjoyable time but also one that can raise many questions and
concerns. What to give them? How much? And when? It can feel like
everyone has an opinion on what you should do and what worked for them,
with a confusing array of information online to wade through.
Let's talk about feeding your baby helps support you through this.
Covering breast and formula feeding, mixed feeding, starting solids and
more, this supportive and non-judgemental guide brings you the evidence,
top tips and lots of support to answer all your feeding questions.
Focusing on both the practicalities and emotions attached to feeding
decisions, it will answer your questions big and small, supporting you
to confidently feed your baby as they grow, in whatever way works for
your family.
With expert contributors and quotes from parents, Professor Amy Brown's
authoritative but easy-to-read style ensures that this book will inform
and reassure anyone wanting to know more about how to support their baby
to be a healthy and happy eater however they decide to feed them.