English summary: For many centuries, Spain was home to Christians, Jews
and Muslims alike: historians thus refer to the country as " the Spain
of three cultures ". But any student of medieval times learns that -
beyond the three religions that were present, a very special culture
evolved that was to play an influential role throughout the long history
of the Mediterranean region. The inhabitants of the Spanish peninsula
inherited their law, politics and urban way of life from Rome, their
philosophy and sciences from Ancient Greece and their religion from
Palestine and Arabia. And all three of these peoples have found a common
ground in Jerusalem. Although at variance over which of their religions
was the "true" one, and despite the fact that each group lived according
its own " law " (often fighting amongst themselves), they nonetheless
shared a love of wine and poetry, enjoyed festivities and entertainment,
were skilled in weaponry and trade, gifted in languages and love
gardening. It was in Spain that Averroes and Maimonides crossed paths,
not to mention such legendary figures as El Cid Campeador, who
distinguished himself in Valencia and Spain's monarch, King Alfonso VI.
Medieval Spain passed on to us the Great Mosque of Cordova and Santiago
de Compostella's St. James' Cathedral, Grenada's Alhambra Palace, the
Roman frescos of Catalonia, the Batalha Monastery and the Transito
Synagogue of Toledo. How ever, as Polish explorer Nicolas de Poplau
observed in 1484: " in all regions of Andalusia, Portugal and Algarve,
the buildings and people are similar and the ways in which Saracens and
Christians differ in terms of their education, customs and way of life
can be perceived only in their religions ".Hispanic medieval
civilization was the fruit of the long-term relations - sometimes
friendly and sometimes belligerent but never neutral - that Jews,
Christians and Muslims had maintained in a land that they all ardently
loved.Docteur es-Lettres de la Sorbonne, Directeur de Recherches au
C.N.R.S., auteur d'une Histoire medievale de la Peninsule iberique,
Adeline Rucquoi a egalement publie L'Espagne medievale dans la
collection Guides Belles Lettres des Civilisations. French description:
La Peninsule iberique est la seule region d'Europe ou chretiens,
musulmans et juifs aient vecu ensemble pendant des siecles. Cette longue
coexistence a donne lieu a une civilisation originale. Elle est le fruit
de la capacite des uns et des autres a assimiler des traditions
differentes, a en faire la synthese, et a les transmuer de telle facon
qu'au dela des particularites, une meme culture caracterise l'Espagne