This vibrant, engaging assortment offers children an entertaining
introduction to the French language. From stories of friendship, family,
discovery, and self-esteem to silly, snappy songs of one-of-a-kind
barnyard animals, lullabies, and segments of classical music, children
tune in to a variety of musical styles and multicultural experiences.
The accompanying CDs provide children an opportunity to hear the
pronunciation of the words and sing along as they learn the language.
Young Leo sets off to discover the world--the five peninsulas near his
seaside home. His mother approves, knowing Leo will finally meet the
eccentric friends of his father who disappeared at sea. After all Leo's
old enough to be "the captain of his own boat" as the song he likes to
sing goes. In addition to featuring a production of the narrated story,
the accompanying CD presents 11 tunes ranging from "Faire un bateau"
(Making a Boat) and "La vie de matelot" (The Life of a Sailor) to
"Larguer les amarres" (Cast Off) sung by noted French and Canadian
singers such as Robert Charlebois and Diane Dufresne.