The authors of this book are busy practical men with no particular
barrow to push. The text of the book includes a comprehensive review of
all aspects of intraocular lens surgery including details of the design,
optics chem- istry and sterilization of intraocular lenses. Its value is
enhanced by excellent illustrations and extensive tabulated references
to the litera- ture. Accounts of patient acceptability are balanced
against candid discus- sion of complications and their management. The
historical introduction recalls that in the early stages of develop-
ment of the art, over a period of 10 years, two dozen different lens
designs were proposed, most claiming elimination of problems which had
arisen with their predecessors. Eventually nearly all disappeared from
the scene. In an age where every cataract surgeon has to determine a
personal position on intraocular lens implantation the author's
reflections on these matters are timely. Intraocular lenses are neither
a miracle nor a menace, provided that personal decisions and preferences
are carefully thought through and put into practice upon the basis of
known facts and not upon the basis of fickle fashion and fad. This book
provides a background upon which the reader can eva- luate in his own
mind the validity of information provided by the manufacturers of
various lens designs.