This book, first published in 1975, provides critical and comprehensive
introduction to the philosophy of Leibniz. C.D. Broad was Knightsbridge
Professor of Moral Philosophy at Cambridge from 1933 to 1953 and this
book is based on his undergraduate lectures on Leibniz. Broad died in
1971 and Dr Lewy has since edited the book for publication. Leibniz is,
of course, recognized as a major figure in all courses in the history of
philosophy, but he has perhaps been less well served by textbook writers
than most other philosophers. Broad has provided here a
characteristically shrewd and sympathetic survey which further confirms
his known virtues as an historian and expositor. It is a very clear,
detailed and orderly guide to what is notoriously a most difficult (and
sometimes disorderly) philosophical system; it provides a masterful
introduction to the subject.