A devastating novel of desperation and revenge from Laura Wiess. In
this follow-up to her heartbreaking debut, Such a Pretty Girl, once
again spins a shattering tale of the tragedies that befall young women
who are considered society's Leftovers.
Blair and Ardith are best friends who have committed an unforgivable act
in the name of love and justice. But in order to understand what could
drive two young women to such extreme measures, first you'll have to
understand why. You'll have to listen as they describe parents who are
alternately absent and smothering, classmates who mock and shun anyone
different, and young men who are allowed to hurt and dominate without
consequence. You will have to learn what it's like to be a teenage girl
who locks her bedroom door at night, who has been written off by the
adults around her as damaged goods. A girl who has no one to trust
except the one person she's forbidden to see. You'll have to understand
what it's really like to be forgotten and abandoned in America today.
Are you ready?