In some hands, history can be an inspirational and rewarding subject,
yet in others it can seem dry and of little relevance. Learning to
Teach History in the Secondary School, now in its fifth edition and
established as one of the leading texts for all history student
teachers, enables you to learn to teach history in a way that pupils
will find interesting, enjoyable and purposeful. It incorporates a wide
range of ideas about the teaching of history with practical suggestions
for classroom practice.
The fifth edition has been thoroughly updated in the light of recent
developments in the field of history education. The book contains
chapters on:
- Purposes and benefits of school history
- Planning strategies
- Teaching approaches and methods
- Developing pupils' historical understanding
- Ensuring inclusion
- New technologies in the history classroom
- Assessment and examinations
- Your own continuing professional development
Each chapter includes suggestions for further reading, weblinks to
useful resources and a range of tasks enabling you to put learning into
practice in the classroom. Written by experts in the field, Learning to
Teach History in the Secondary School offers all training and newly
qualified teachers comprehensive and accessible guidance to support the
journey towards becoming an inspirational and engaging history teacher.