Each training program finds its own, sometimes idiosyncratic, niche and
is not called to the task of demonstrating effectiveness. Those programs
that offer structured training in key approaches tend not to present
models that integrate the various schools.This book, along with the
accompanying Seminar Leader's Manual and Learning Psychotherapy
Vignettes videotape, provides a much-needed foundation for training
beginning psychotherapists in the crucial elements of psychotherapy.
Unlike other programs, it is low on reading volume and high on homework.
The homework includes rating transcripts according to standard research
scales, discerning dysfunctional patterns from written and videotaped
case vignettes, and analyzing transference and countertransference in
actual sessions. Participants proceed through six modules: (1) verbal
response modes and intentions, (2) working alliance, (3) inducing
patterns, (4) change, (5) resistance, and (6) transference and
countertransference. Pre- and post-training modules offer the
opportunity to measure the effects of training.The Learning
Psychotherapy program has been endorsed by the American Psychiatric
Association as an example of innovative training in the fundamentals of
psychotherapy, with built-in assessment that is consistent with the
objectives of the Commission on Psychotherapy by Psychiatrists and the
APA to strengthen the psychotherapy education of future
psychiatrists.The program has been piloted in the psychiatric residency
training program at the University of Missouri-Columbia for four years,
at Stanford University for two years, and at several other sites across
the United States.