In this book, I shall explain what factors influence our tourism
industry life cycle stage as well as whether how strateges may influence
tourism industry develops. I shall explain why to apply airport service
life cycle stage improvement stratey to influence airport service
performance. I shall explain what factors may influence managers feel
difficult to make decisions in any organizations in general as well as
how to help them to avoid the decision making challenges occurrences. I
shall indicate how and why computer technological firm merger
cooperational strategy may help any technological firms to develop
impossible as well as what are the IBM and Apple merger strategic
advantages and disadvantages. I shall indicate evidences to explain what
the factors influence oil industry is experiencing decline life cycle
stage. I shall explain whether electronic vehicle invention can
influence gas vehicle need and how any why it may influence its life
cycle stage changes. I shall explain what factors may influence public
transport service industry reaches life cycle decline stage rapidly. I
shall explain why and how any management ought spend time to learn
organizational strategies in order to grow up their organizational
development more easily.