The book provides insights, description and analysis over the knowledge
production process within business, organization, and management
research. Importantly, it does so from a language and translation
perspective. It critically engages with the role of English in this
process and provides theoretical argument for the need to include
multilingualism in research. Translation is investigated as a concept
for future inquiry.
The book is expressive and formative of language-based research that is
gaining momentum in business, management, and organization research. It
offers conceptual innovation through a thorough treatment of
multilingualism and translation, having the potentiality to guide future
empirical and theoretical research, and to dispel hidden hegemonic
knowledge production practices. The readers will gain insights into the
current status quo of language-based inquiry, discussions of
multilingualism for research design and be informed about the
philosophical underpinnings of language-based research. Specifically,
the benefits include the review and summary of key publications in this
field, discussion and analysis of hidden assumptions of knowledge
production, a critical take on knowledge production, an outline and
discussion of implications of multilingual research for research design
and methods, discussion of philosophical underpinnings and a vision for
future research.
The book is an invaluable source for all research students whose
projects contain elements of multilingual research, whether empirical or
theoretical. Likewise, the growing body of researchers who take a
language-sensitive approach to their research may find it as a source
that 'pulls together' the current knowledge status quo while offering
discussions of future trajectories. The book is extremely useful for the
teaching of research methods in undergraduate, postgraduate and also
Master's or doctoral programmes as many students are not native English
speakers and are directly confronted with the subject matter of the