Eclipsing Variables - What They can Tell Us and What We can do with Them
The aim of the present book will be to provide an introduction to the
inter- pretation of the observed light changes of eclipsing binary stars
and their analysis for the elements of the respective systems. Whenever
we study the properties of any celestial body - be it a planet or a
star - all information we wish to gain can reach us through two
different channels: their gravitational attraction, and their light.
Gravitational interaction between our Earth and its celestial neighbours
is, however, measurable only at distances of the order of the dimensions
of our solar system; and the only means of communication with the realm
of the stars are their nimble-footed photons reaching us - with
appropriate time-lag - across the intervening gaps of space. As long as
a star is single and emits constant light, it does not constitute a very
revealing source of information. A spectrometry of its light can
disclose, to be sure, the temperature (colour, or ionization) of the
star's semi-transparent outer layers, their chemical composition, and
prevalent pressure (through Stark effect) or magnetic field (Zeeman
effect), it can disclose even some information about its absolute
luminosity or rate of spin. It cannot, however, tell us anything about
what we should like to know most - namely, the mass or size (i.e.,
density) of the respective configuration; its absolute dimensions, or
its internal structure.