Land use and land cover (LULC) as well as its changes (LUCC) are an
interplay between bio-geophysical characteristics of the landscape and
climate as well as the complex human interaction including its different
patterns of utilization superimposed on the natural vegetation. LULC is
a core information layer for a variety of scientific and administrative
tasks(e.g. hydrological modelling, climate models, land use planning).In
particular in the context of climate change with its impacts on
socio-economic, socio-ecologic systems as well as ecosystem services
precise information on LULC and LUCC are mandatory baseline datasets
required over large areas. Remote sensing can provide such information
on different levels of detail and in a homogeneous and reliable way.
Hence, LULC mapping can be regarded as a prototype for integrated
approaches based on spaceborne and airborne remote sensing techniques
combined with field observations. The book provides for the first time a
comprehensive view of various LULC activities focusing on European
initiatives, such as the LUCAS surveys, the CORINE land covers, the
ESA/EU GMES program and its resulting Fast-Track- and Downstream
Services, the EU JRC Global Land Cover, the ESA GlobCover project as
well as the ESA initiative on Essential Climate Variables. All have and
are producing highly appreciated land cover products. The book will
cover the operational approaches, but also review current
state-of-the-art scientific methodologies and recommendations for this
field. It opens the view with best-practice examples that lead to a view
that exceeds pure mapping, but to investigate into drivers and causes as
well as future projections.