Land is a natural resource found everywhere, all over the world, Land
ownership has been a contentious issue. This book analyzes Land based
conflicts influencing land ownership by religious groups in Kenya. The
religious groups have not been exempted from these land conflicts.
However, the seriousness of the problem has not been systematically
analyzed and documented. The power of the land issue to invoke emotional
responses and political action spills over into the question of
ownership, usage, developmental practices, resources management and
ultimately, citizenship and identity politics. The failure of the
African government to recognize and resolve lingering disputes emerging
from the land question has triggered extended protests and violence,
disrupting vital production and in some cases even destabilizing once
venerated economic and political success stories in Africa, The book
further looks into reasons why land evokes such deep emotion in Africa.
The African perspective of land is discussed in this book as well as
matters of governance. Corruption and its consequences in land
governances are also covered in this book.